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Today Janel shares a fun tutorial for hair clips that can serve as Easter basket filler or coordinate with your girl’s Easter dress. We don’t go crazy with gifts
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Life as Mom | on the road to joyful.
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mom gave me a bj
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ModernMom is a community for moms, mothers, and the woman behind the mom. Read Brooke Burke's daily blog. Find smart advice and practical tips for moms by moms on
The Mrs. Los Angeles, CA, United States I am the Mother of a five year old boy, and a 3 year old girl. I'm a writer by trade, and love to share information.
(Published on Thursday, because a day late and several dollars short is how I roll.) T his post is going to be a hodge-podge of thoughts. I have a hundred posts

There are some days when you wake up and have no idea your life is going to change. One of those moments was the day I first heard about a young woman named Kristen
The Intersection of Design & Motherhood By Gabrielle. Maybe it’s because I know the behind-the-tour story, but I can’t help but look at this home, sigh a
Life as Mom | on the road to joyful.
Design Mom — The Intersection of Design &.
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