fluency chart of wpm

I need reading fluency rates by grade.
Shows how to teach fluency through repeated readings, sustained silent reading (SSR), and booktalks.
I've been teaching and tutoring reading and other subjects for some years, but I realize I have no chart for a standard reading rate (words per minute) for each grade
Developing Reading Fluency - Auburn.
Reading fluency encompasses the speed or rate of reading, as well as the ability to read materials with expression. Learn more about fluency and the best ways to help
2nd Grade Common Core Fluency Homework.
Fluency Partner Practice Program - IIS7
fluency chart of wpm
WPM Fluency Chart by Grade
Reading Fluency | LD Topics | LD OnLine

Words per Minute Reading Fluency Chart Fluency Partner Practice Program Mary Beth Marr, Ph.D. Robert Algozzine, Ph.D Rebecca Kavel, M.Ed. Katie K. Dugan, M.Ed. Behavior and Reading Improvement Center (BRIC)